At the heart of our mission lies a profound commitment to the ethical handling of personal information. This document outlines our dedication to transparency, security, and respect for individual rights in the management of personal data. As an organization deeply rooted in societal contribution, we recognize the paramount importance of safeguarding personal information and upholding the rights and interests of all individuals involved. Our Privacy Policy reflects these values and guides our practices to ensure the responsible use and protection of personal data.
The International Volunteer Group, operating as a general incorporated association (hereinafter referred to as the "Organization"), acknowledges the critical importance of handling personal information appropriately.
To this end, the Organization has established a privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy").
As an entity dedicated to societal contribution, all officers and employees are committed to adhering to this Policy, as well as guidelines and standards set by regulatory bodies. They pledge to safeguard personal information and uphold the rights and interests of individuals to the best of their abilities.
Business Information:
Legal Entity Name: International Volunteer Group, Inc.
Address: Nakawa Akihabara Building, 3-8-8-8 Iwamotocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0032
- Representative: Pornovin, Joseph
Method of Obtaining Personal Information:
The Organization defines the purpose of collecting personal information whenever feasible, obtaining it in a lawful and equitable manner, only as necessary to fulfill its intended use. When obtaining personal information directly from individuals in writing, the Organization will disclose its identity, the contact details of the personal information protection manager, and the purpose of collection beforehand.
Purpose of Using Personal Information:
The Organization commits to utilizing personal information strictly within the scope of individuals' consent. Procedures are established to prevent unauthorized use of personal information. If a new purpose for using personal information arises, the Organization will seek consent from the individuals concerned or disclose the new purpose accordingly.
Categories of Personal Information Collected and Their Uses:
Personal Information of Programme Participants:
Participant management
Programme progress monitoring
Participant safety management
Dissemination of activity information
Information provision on events and campaigns
Planning and development of services
Registration for management software
Related administrative work
Personal Information of Supporters:
Dissemination of activity information
Soliciting volunteer work
Information provision on events and campaigns
Planning and development of services
Response to inquiries
Registration for management software
Issuance of donation receipts
Related administrative work
Personal Information of Employment Applicants:
Communication regarding selection processes
Measures for Secure Personal Data Management:
The Organization maintains accurate and current personal data within the necessary scope, implementing reasonable security measures to mitigate risks such as leakage, loss, or damage. This includes employee security education, internal security rules, on-site management, and regular inspections.
Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties:
Personal data is managed appropriately and not disclosed to third parties without individual consent, except as legally mandated. Outsourced processing of personal data entails contractual obligations to prevent data leakage and ensure proper management.
Disclosure and Correction of Retained Personal Data:
Upon request, the Organization will internally investigate and promptly respond to requests for notification of purpose, disclosure, correction, cessation of use, or provision to third parties. In some cases, compliance with requests may not be feasible, in which case reasons will be provided.
Contact for Personal Data Disclosure Requests:
Requests for personal data disclosure should be directed to:
Address: Nakawa Akihabara Building, 3-8-8-8 Iwamotocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0032
Personal Data Protection Manager: General Incorporated Association International Volunteer Group
Email: info@ivgjapan.org
About Cookies:
Cookies facilitate efficient website usage by identifying users' computers. Our website employs Google Analytics, WIX Tools and applications, using cookies for anonymous data collection without personally identifiable information. Users can disable cookies through browser settings.
Changes to Privacy Policy:
The Organization reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy as needed.
While efforts are made to ensure website information accuracy, the Organization assumes no responsibility for user actions based on said information, nor for any resulting damages to users or third parties.
Copyright and Portrait Rights:
Unauthorized use of website content, including text and images, is prohibited due to copyright and portrait rights protection.
Establishing links to the Organization's website is generally permitted, though content suitability may affect approval.